BNSF Route
This part of the BNSF Stockton Sub covers roughly 110 miles between BNSF Calwa Yard in Fresno to Riverbank Yard in Modesto, California. Along the route are numerous industries and grain facilities that are used to unload grain cars for disribution across the central valley.
Included along the the route:
• 40 industries
• BNSF Empire Yard
• BNSF Modesto Yard
• MCVR Industrial Park
• 4 Amtrak Station Stops
• Fresno Modesto Notes and Central California Industries PDF Documents In The UserGuide Folder
Passenger Operations
This part of the Stockton Sub sees roughly 12 passenger trains daily, 6 in each direction with an additional train in each direction on the weekends. Depicted on the route are 4 Amtrak stations going east to west; Modesto, Denair, Merced, and Madera. |
